Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

April 2017 Blog Posts (10)

What Education Technology Could Look Like Over the Next 5 Years

Education is evolving rapidly. The question, really, is where is it heading? We can’t know for certain, of course, but there are definitely some trends on the horizon that we should pay attention to and that might very well shape the educational field for the next five years and for decades afterward as well.

It’s good to know about these now, for, as they say…


Added by Nelma Lumme on April 28, 2017 at 9:00am — No Comments

Top 11 Surprising Benefits of Online Learning

Learning is a never ending process, even though for some they think it is. With technology at the palm of our hands, distance learning is not a thing anymore. Hence, it is an opportunity for people to grab. This, for example, can surprise many people, but online learning can provide more benefits for people who want constant learning.

With this convenient…


Added by Kerry Creaswood on April 28, 2017 at 5:51am — No Comments

How to Increase Student Engagement with Online Learning Platforms

Modern technology makes it possible for educators to reach learners from different parts of the world. New tools provided by online platforms pave the way to a modernized, more enjoyable interactive…


Added by Eliza Medley on April 27, 2017 at 2:28am — No Comments

10 Resources to Help Students in Semester Abroad

As a student, going to college is definitely exciting! But it can also be a bit frightening, especially with the uncertainty that comes…


Added by Kate Simpson on April 27, 2017 at 1:10am — No Comments

4 Approaches to Building Positive Community in Any Classroom

The classroom is a community and for students to feel good in that community, you need to make sure the atmosphere is positive, enabling and liberating. Of course, those kinds of words are a great deal easier to write than to actually implement. Fortunately, they’re not impossible to implement. You just need…


Added by Pat Fredshaw on April 25, 2017 at 2:38pm — No Comments

4 Tips on How to Protect Yourself on the Internet

Being safe in the internet is becoming harder and harder by the day. There are countless viruses, phishing scams and hackers out there who want nothing more but to use your information and data against you. Luckily, we are here to talk about some of the best tips you can use in order to protect yourself on the internet and surf without any harm.

Safely stored smart passwords

Using passwords…


Added by Ashley Kornee on April 25, 2017 at 1:42am — No Comments

How to Improve Memory of Students Using These Easy Tools

It’s funny. We have this idea about how our memory works which are – in fact – completely inaccurate. We have this idea that our memory is a lot like a movie, where we can simply rewind to the moment that we wish to recall. This isn’t anything like how memory actually works. Instead, memory is initially stored in short-term memory and only a certain amount of short-term memory is written into long-term memory, based on a number of factors like an…


Added by Nelma Lumme on April 24, 2017 at 5:38am — No Comments

6 Top Apps to Improve Your Writing Skills


Texting has become the new method of rapid communication. And with it has come what some would describe as a new “normal” language, full of abbreviations, emoticons, and acronyms. Indeed, there are now entire ‘dictionaries,’ so that newcomers to texting can understand and use this new language. 

Not So Fast

So, what will become of our traditional English? Will it slowly give way to this new language as we continue to look for ‘shortcuts?’ Unfortunately…


Added by Nelma Lumme on April 11, 2017 at 8:30am — No Comments

6 Strategies to Make Your Online Teaching Better

We’ve been teaching for a long time and thereby figured out what does and doesn’t work in the classroom. A lot of that has already passed into general understanding (though there are still some great ideas being discovered). That isn’t true for online teaching. There we’re still very much…


Added by Janet Athony on April 11, 2017 at 5:15am — No Comments

Amazing Ways Teachers Can Use 3D Printing to Teach Math and Science

You might not have thought of this yet, but 3D printing is a fantastic way to teach some subjects in school. For example, as this title suggests, you can use it to teach both math and science. That sounds pretty impressive, no? In that way, you can teach them both about these subjects and give them the chance to take responsibility for what they’re…


Added by Kerry Creaswood on April 5, 2017 at 5:54am — No Comments

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