Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

CSU Colleagues,


What do you need to get started?

1. Become familar with the NGLC RFP and Program.   Go to


2. Attend the virtual meetings the week of Oct 25, 2010.   See schedule and meeting logistics information later in this discussion forum.


3. Review the PowerPoint (Virt Meeting Presentation on NGLC plan) outlining the proposed process for campuses developing proposals (see attachment below)


4. Review the Word Document(NGLC preprosal form due 11-19-2010) which provides the questions that the evaluators want you to answer.


5.  You are welcome to use a "Project Briefing Template" (see below) to quickly describe your project and identify the people who will be working together on the project


6.  Connect with your colleagues across the CSU who share interests and commitments to work on a NGLC project - You are welcome (and encouraged) to use the discussion forums within this website.


7.   The Chancellor's Office's job is to facilitate campus collaboration in the proposal process. 


8.  The grants will be led, developed, and submitted by campuses.   The Chancellor's Office's job is to facilitate campus collaboration in the proposal process.


9.  Finally,  The Chancellor's Office's job is to facilitate campus collaboration in the proposal process.  We're here to help your success


Thanks for your interests

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An archive of the Tuesday Oct 26, 2010 Elluminate Webinar is now available:


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