Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

Here in the College of Business at SJSU, we're looking for a good instrument (or at least a taxonomy to help us build one) for taking "inventory" of the e-learning that has sprouted up
in our college. (We haven't had a coordinated or directed initiative beyond the D2L LMS.) Ideally, we could survey faculty and get a snapshotof where we stand - maybe even some kind of "e-learning maturity" index reading to help us measure progress going forward.

Does anyone happen to know of anything like this or have any ideas on where to look? Much appreciated. -trh

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No but when this is figured out, let's talk soon. In my field, nursing, we evaluate (measure) EVERYthing and have that planned in advance. I mean everything from the patient knowing post-cardiac surgery instructions to a return demonstration of crutch-walking! Here at the SON at CSULA we are talking about (just talking) developing (and self-assessment I suppose) an actual competency list/checklist for faculty relevant to use of technology in the classroom. Professional societies have such lists developed/recommended, for example our ANIA....Association of Nurse Informatics folks. Also, our AACN (American Association Colleges of Nursing) recently recommended that schools of nursing have informatics as a thread throughout the curriculum (grad and undergrad) and not (just) as a separate course which is frequently seen. Your field, business, perhaps has something similar from a professional society? (hope this response is relevant to what is posed).


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