Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

Request for Proposal  

Establishing or Expanding Campus AL$ Projects

Release date: March 15, 2016


Each CSU campus may submit one proposal for funding to augment the resources they are using to implement their campus AL$ program.

  • Proposal due date:              April 1, 2016
  • Amount of funding:             Up to $20K per campus
  • Funding will be distributed in early May for implementation in fall 2016 and spring 2017.


Use the AL$ Project Planning & Reporting Template (see attached) to include the following items:*


  • An overview of the AL$ initiative’s objectives, challenges, potential measures of success, and existing campus priority(ies) such as the Graduation Initiative, Course Redesign with Technology, High Impact Practices, etc.  Please include a summary of the project and outcomes achieved in the past year or if the project is on target to achieve its projected milestones/goals.  

Project Team

  • A designated campus AL$ coordinator(s).
  • A list of campus partner organizations or departments with whom you will be collaborating to implement your project. 
    • You will need at least two partner organizations, for example, the library, bookstore, learning assistance center, faculty development center, academic technology department, and/or others. 
    • The campus center for students with disabilities must be one of your partner organizations to coordinate access to AL$ services for students with disabilities.

Marketing & Communications

  • Include a marketing and communication plan considering campus stakeholders and potential activities/outreach for the awareness, discovery, and adoption of low/no cost materials. Include showcasing faculty accomplishments and student savings at the year’s end.
  • Special preference will be given to projects that include two or more of the following: 
    • Information literacy programs that build collaborations and capabilities for faculty and students using eReaders and digital course materials in teaching and learning.
  •  The CSU Rent Digital program and/or custom publishing services. (i.e. XanEdu & Softchalk)
  • The adoption of Open Educational Resources.  (e.g.
  • The Integration of library and OER services into the LMS.  Example:  CSUDH & SJSU
  • Faculty showcases or videos of faculty and/or students.
  • Participation on the AL$ Listserv (pending), webinars and the AL$ Community.
  • A student survey with standardized question set and/or participating in the AL$ research study (pending).
  • An AL$ information day and a faculty recognition day on campus. (required)


Technologies, Facilities, Policies, Resources

  • Include a plan for leveraging campus resources and staff.
  • Provide an estimated budget to define the amount of funds for each type of expense.  People matter most. No equipment will be funded.

Reporting Savings

  • Your project must provide data on the amount of money students saved through your AL$ program.  Course/sections and student savings’ reports based on the AL$ Reporting Savings template are requested by Dec 1, 2016 (end of fall semester) and June 1, 2017 (end of spring semester).

* Campuses who received an AL$ grant last year may apply for a new grant to expand their campus AL$ implementations.  Your proposal for your “new” project still needs to address the basic requirements listed above.


Your proposal submission should utilize the AL$ Project Planning & Reporting Template and include a brief cover letter signed by the Provost.


We will be happy to review your proposal before the due date.


Submit questions, proposal, and reports to:

Leslie Kennedy, or (562) 833-7764

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