Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

Open Access Conference: Learning from Experience
San Jose State University, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library
October 23, 2015

In celebration of Open Access Week, San Jose State University will be hosting its biennial one-day conference on October 23, 2015, on all things Open: Open Access, Open Educational Resources, Open Education. ​Here are just some of the thought-provoking presentations offered:

*  ​Beyond Faculty Support: How to ​G​et Graduate Students Involved in the Open Access Movement
*  The California Open Educational Resources Council: From Curation to Adoption
*  Creating an Open Access Course Reserves (When an OA Textbook ​I​sn't ​E​nough)​

​The $25.00 registration fee includes breakfast, lunch, and a hosted happy hour​. Attendance is limited to 75 people--register now to reserve your seat!

To see the full conference program, go to:

​​​To register for this event​,go to​:​ ​

​Schedule at a Glance

8​:00​-9:00 am​--​Registration & ​B​reakfast
​9​:00​-11:30 am​--​Presentations
11:30-1:30 pm​--​Lunch and Birds of a Feather/Round Tables
1:30-4:15 p​m--​Presentations
4:15-5:00 pm​--​Hosted Happy Hour​

For information on parking and transportation, see:​ ​

For information on what to do and where to stay when visiting San Jose, see:

​Please feel free to contact the Program Planning Committee with questions:

Ann Agee, Program Proposal Coordinator, at and
Christina Mune, Program Planning Chair, at​

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Thanks Ann.   I am looking forward to this conference.



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