Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

Conference Call: CAPCSD Merlot
8/21/09, Approximately 1 pm to 2 pm ET.
Notes: Pam
Present: Mike, Jim, Carol, Pam
(Please respond with a comment to this discussion with any corrections or additions)
1. Mike suggested putting a link on CAPCSD site to the Merlot section and having periodic updates on our progress on the CAPCSD site.
Action: Pam will ask Craig about this.

2. Jim mentioned that Merlot has such high energy and commitment as he noticed at the conference. He said there were lots of good ideas and information. He appreciated CAPCSD’s financial contribution toward his attendance. This provides us with a good base of information and a beginning network of other professional groups who are also working on discipline communities on Merlot. Thanks to Jim for attending and being willing to share information.

3. ASHA convention:
Mike is presenting at ASHA. His session is teaching counseling the “simple” way 11:00 Friday. Pam asked, and he agreed to take some flyers about CAPCSD Merlot to pass out. Any Task Force members who go to ASHA will be given flyers and encouraged to spread the word.
Action: Pam will get Mike a flyer on CAPCSD Merlot before ASHA convention. Any one else attending ASHA who would like flyers, let Pam know by November 1.

4. CAPCSD: Mike suggested we post information to the CAPCSD Listserv by November 1st. Discussion occurred about how to update CAPCSD and begin getting interest in submitting to CAPCSD Merlot. Pam said Craig is our liaison and he can represent our information.
Action: Pam will contact Craig with update prior to ASHA so he has current information for CAPCSD Board meeting at ASHA..

5. Discussion held about presenting at CAPCSD spring meeting:
We would like to set up one or two sessions at capcsd spring mtg
This might take the form of our original plan for last year-having an information
session/s but also having a demonstration table or booth where attendees can explore the CAPCSD Merlot resources. Also should provide invitations and guidelines for submissions at this time.
Action: Pam will ask Craig to make sure we are on program.

6. Dissemination:
Carol mentioned the ASHA division 10 listserv. Suggested we consider an information article for Perspectives

Other potential dissemination avenues discussed included:
ASHA Leader article
Jim posted to Merlot Voices a list of “technology focused” journals he obtained at Merlot conference.
Mike suggested that ASHA Academic Affairs Office may want to be involved in some way.
Action: Pam will mention to Craig to have CAPCSD Exec. Bd. determine if, when and how they want ASHA engaged and provide us with guidance about any action this Task Force might need to take.

7. Carol suggested we attend to giving people an idea about things they have that they could share, to encourage broad participation and contributions.
Action: we need to determine method for this in our next call.

8. Jim asked about Creative Commons. Pam responded with background on our decision approximately 1/2 years ago to utilize Creative Commons copyright process. Jim mentioned a lot of discussion about CC at the Merlot conference.

9. Pam’s daughter arrived with her dogs, who began to create general noise and havoc and the meeting was adjourned at approximately 2:00 ET.
Action: Pam to buy muzzles :-)

10. Need to set conference call schedule for Fall:
Action: Pam will consult with Cathy S. and send out survey to set up our conference call schedule for Fall semester.

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very cute :-)
Update on CAPCSD MERLOT items from 8/21 meeting:
1. Mike suggested putting a link on CAPCSD site to the Merlot section and having periodic updates on our progress on the CAPCSD site.
Action: Pam will ask Craig about this.
Update: Craig says this can be done and is going to contact appropriate people to get that in place. Until we have a database up and running, we can post news and updates off the link.

5. Discussion held about presenting at CAPCSD spring meeting:
Action: Pam will ask Craig to make sure we are on program.
Update: We are on the program for two sessions, plus have a demonstration table. We need: title and session description, schedule for who can person the demo table. Craig to send necessary forms to Pam.

Other potential dissemination avenues discussed included:

Mike suggested that ASHA Academic Affairs Office may want to be involved in some way.
Action: Pam will mention to Craig to have CAPCSD Exec. Bd. determine if, when and how they want ASHA engaged and provide us with guidance about any action this Task Force might need to take.
Update: Craig to contact Academic Affairs at ASHA to explore connections/collaboration potential.

10. Need to set conference call schedule for Fall:
Action: Pam will consult with Cathy S. and send out survey to set up our conference call schedule for Fall semester.
Pam has emailed Cathy and is waiting to hear back on her available days/times.


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