Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

CAPCSD MERLOT Conference call notes 11-3-09
present on call: Mitchell, Dudding, Flahive, Phillips

Items of discussion:

1. Disseminating information about CAPCSD MERLOT
Craig to present an update on the project at the CAPCSD meeting at ASHA. Mike to attend.
Mike will distribute flyers during his session. Pam to email to Mike by no later than 11/16.

To present at CAPCSD conference in April: Mike, Marty and Carol. Each to provide brief update of their work in technology, then 1/2 the time to discuss the CAPSD MERLOT project. Craig will be sending Pam the form to request table to demo CAPCSD MERLOT. Mike suggested having board at the table indicating when someone would be available.

2. Keywords
Agreement that using the KASA keyword codes at the major heading level as items are contributed. This would include KASA, the number of the competency area, and the descriptive word/phrase. See file from Pam attached to the Merlot Voices Keywords post for the specific info.

3. Pam mentioned that her term as Editor ends in January.

4. Submissions: Pam encouraged all Associate Editors to submit materials to the database. Mike mentioned that he had spread the word at his program about CAPCSD MERLOT and Pam suggested that would be good for all Associate Editors to consider as well. Susan mentioned that campus IT departments may be a resource for MERLOT training.

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