Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

Please introduce yourself here and share something about yourself. We have a number of people who are participating asynchronously, and I'm sure they would like to know who else is going through GRAPE Camp. You can also ask questions here.

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Cathy- this is Norbert Boruett. I love Merlot a lot. It is a wonderful hub or resource area. Currently i work for IntraHealth organization the Kenya chapter. Specifically i work as Distance Learning Manager with a project co named FUNZOkenya. Merlot is a wonderful place to be and Cathy and team do a fine job.

Thank you, Norbert.  And thanks for dropping back in.  :-)


My name is Sophie Queuniet and I am taking the October 2012 Grape Camp asynchronously. Your presentation was very informative and I enjoyed it a lot. All the instructions were very clear and the videos on youtube were quite helpful. I have two questions:

1) About the work ethics material: Since I am doing the camp asynchronously, should I leave my comments right here in MERLOT Voices by 1pm next Monday?

2) Should I also tell you the name of the 4 sites I will comment or do you have a way to track our comments?

Thank you and I'm looking forward to hearing your presentation next Monday.


Regarding Work Ethics, no you don't need to do that.  However, please make sure you listen to next Monday's archived session to see what others have to say.

Actually, I have a way of tracking your Member Comments, as they will display on your profile.  This is not a graded assignment...just to get you thinking about how to do a quick review of a teaching material.

My name is Michelle and I am participating in Grape Camp asynchronously.  Though I hope to participate synchronously this coming Monday if possible. I am a faculty developer and assistant professor at Northern Virginia Community College.  My focus and interest lies in education - specifically faculty development, scholarship of teaching and learning, instructional design and distance education. My college is hoping to start using more OERs in courses in an attempt to minimize the economic impact of education on our students.  Merlot will likely play a large part in that.  I'm looking forward to becoming an active part in this community.

Great.  We're happy to have you, Michelle.  Welcome to the group.  You'll find a lot of OERs in MERLOT>

I realize I forgot to say what I was doing in life and why I joined the Grape Camp! I am a French Lecturer at Columbia University. Among other things, I teach French Online 1 and 2 for Graduate Students. This is an online course I co-authored with colleagues at Carnegie Mellon through the Open Online Initiative. I see that the course is listed on MERLOT but no one has reviewed it yet. :(

I am interested in becoming a peer reviewer because I thought the training would help me a lot in my work with the BOLDD collaboratory.  BOLDD (Basic Online Design and Delivery) aims to collect, review and share best practices and resources in Basic Online Teaching.

Hi, Sophie:

I'm sorry your course didn't get peer reviewed yet.  We have 18 other types of learning materials in MERLOT and it really takes a lot of effort to review and entire course.  We've recently signed an agreement with Quality Matters and hope that perhaps they can review some of the online courses in MERLOT in the future.

Hello, my name is Kelly Massey and I am an assistant professor at Georgia College & State University in Milledgeville. I am in the College of Health Sciences and instruct courses out of the Kinesiology department. I am excited to learn how and be able to review these wonderful teaching resources as we do a lot of on-line and innovative instruction in our courses.

Fantastic, Kelly.  And you'll have a lot of local help because Jeanne Sewell, Editor of Health Services, is at GCSU.  I've been to your campus and just loved it.  Just what people picture for a liberal arts school.  I love the way the downtown area starts at the end of your campus.  Very handy.


I am Dennis Frisby and participating in the GRAPE camp asynchronously.  The videos and tutorials are excellent and I am really enjoying learning about the review process.  I am an Associate Professor of Biological Sciences at Cameron University, Lawton, OK and teach courses in microbiology and genetics.  I look forward to actively participating in MERLOT. 



Hi, Dennis:

Glad to hear you are enjoying all the material.  Jim Bidlack, Editor of Biology, will be happy when you get done. 

I just checked and we have 13 people (including you) at Cameron who are MERLOT Members.  You may know some of them:


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