Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

Please reply to this email by introducing yourself.  Please include your institution and discipline.  Also tell us anything else you want people to know.  This is an opportunity for you to interact with those taking the live session or the asynchronous session as well as those who are doing GRAPE Camp as a self-study.

You can also ask any questions here so others can see the answer.

Views: 673

Replies to This Discussion

Welcome, Jacqueline.  Since you are full time at Jones, I imagine we'll have you work with the Business Editorial Board. I used to work for Ford Tractor Operations in Troy.  It was sold by Ford to New Holland a few years ago...after I left!

Hello! As an English instructor in the community college setting, I teach literature, writing, and critical thinking courses. Because I teach online and hybrid (online) courses in addition to face-to-face courses, I'm involved in quality course design and online teaching and learning activities and organizations. I'm also a certified Quality Matters peer reviewer and master reviewer, and work closely with online committees on my campus.

I'm enjoying the GRAPE camp training and the impressive resources through MERLOT! Susan

It's great to hear from you, Susan.  You'll find a lot of resources regarding English.  I think that is the second newest Editorial Board, but they ahve some terrific resources.  You are also invited to add some of your own.  I think I mentioned that we have also partnered with Quality Matters, so expect to see some additional information about that.


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