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Please introduce yourself and tell us a little about you.  What do you teach?  Have you used MERLOT before?  Why do you want to peer review? 

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My names are Norbert Boruett from Kenya. I teach teach teachers to use technology and currently i have introduced teachers to Moodle.I have a Masters Degree from Dundee University in Medical Education. I facilitate learning for students and teachers in the Medical field, though i assist even kinder garden, high schools teachers who are passionate with learning via technology. Recently, i have been assisting teachers to integrating web 2.0 tools with Moodle, ie web quest, Sloodle, wiki, Google docs, to name but a few. I co facilitated for Moodle workshops in IT4ALL.
I also teach assessment of learning and research. I have used Merlot materials in my teachings and as references.I have also followed some review course with Merlot
I would like to review articles on e learning, open source learning materials.
Hello, Norbert. We're happy to have you using MERLOT. And also spreading the word about it through-out Kenya. Keep up the good work!
Prof Cathy

Thanks too and it has been a pleasure spreading Merlot. A few days ago, i was asked to facilitate a topic in health service management( management functions) and i was able to find useful material. I have been involved in assisting and encouraging teachers to integrate ICT with the regular curricula in my college.

We established a LMS based in Moodle, teachers have not used it much because of connectivity and attitude. We have not given up i am still keeping the faith. There is internet in almost every part of the country, but still expensive.I use modem it costs me about 1 usd per20mb .For this price i have good internet that enables me to co- facilitate virtual classrooms with other fellows( IT4ALL).So, unless one is passionate with learning, they will find that it a big price to pay. In the recent past we still a lot of investors come in to do business in mobile phones, this i trust will translate in a reduction in prices of data. Mobile calls dropped by about 80%.Once more thanks Cathy
Wow, I think sometimes we forget how fortunate we are to have easy access to the internet and to phone calls. Thank you for reminding us, Norbert.
My name is Regina Horner and I teach Computer Information Systems at the Tennessee Technology Center at Jackson on the Lexington Extension Campus. I have my Masters Degree from the University of Memphis in Professional Studies. I have also been teaching online courses since 2002 for the Regents Online Degree Program in Computer Information. During a "surfing" session for my on ground classes years ago, I came across Merlot and was so excited to find information I could quickly use. However, I didn't become a member until recently. In working with some of the instructors across the state as a mentor, I have seen a need to encourage and support those instructors trying to put together and share educational information. I believe strongly in peer reviews and hope that I am able to help other instructors and learn a lot in the process. :)
Hi, Regina:
You have a LOT of experience in online teaching which is wonderful. Hopefully you will find even more materials that you can use in your classes.
Welcome Merlot is a great place
Thank you for the welcome Norbert and Cathy !
Hello All –

I’m the Associate Director of the American Social History Project/Center for Media and Learning at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. ASHP/CML produces multimedia materials for teaching U.S. social history. I have produced films, videos, CD-ROMs and websites on topics in U.S. history for the past 20 years, including History Matters; The Lost Museum; Liberty, Equality, Fraternity; and Picturing U.S. History. Some of these websites have been reviewed by MERLOT and I found the peer review and feedback process very helpful and informative.

I am also a faculty member in the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program at the Graduate Center, an adjunct professor of history, and help lead professional development programs for NYC history teachers at the middle and high school level. In the ITP Program students are required to take two core courses and an independent study, the first course is an examination of the economic, social, and intellectual history of technological design and use in general, and of interactive media in particular, and the second focuses on pedagogy and technological innovation combining historical and theoretical readings with hands-on introductions to instructional technology. What is most interesting about these courses is their interdisciplinary make up – every semester brings together a group of graduate students (most of whom are just beginning their teaching careers) from a wide range of disciplines -- philosophy, biology, literature, music, urban education to name just a few. The two core courses explore the teaching needs, approaches, and resources available for each discipline and help the students experiment with new technologies as they develop their syllabi and teaching techniques. The students then work with a faculty member in their independent study to develop a teaching resource they can use in their field. MERLOT is one of the resources we direct students to as they begin to evaluate existing resources in their field.

I have reviewed websites for the Journal of American History and am looking forward to peer reviewing sites for MERLOT.

Thanks, Pennee
Wow, Pennee, what a great background. The creators of Liberty, Fraternity, etc. did a webinar with us last year, in addition to being named a MERLOT Classic. It's an excellent resource. We, of course, will welcome any of the other materials you create.

And what a wonderful program you are creating at NYC for the grad students. Jane Moore, the Editor of Teacher Education Editorial Board will be very happy to see what you're doing. Why don't institutions do this program for grad students who are teaching at the post secondary level? I received absolutely no training before I taught for the first time. I was just told, you have a choice of these two books. When I asked for more information, I was told, well you have to decide if you are going to use multiple choice or essay tests. That's really sad.

Please encourage your students to catalog their materials in MERLOT. We'd love to have them. sounds like you're a natural for reviewing for Teacher Education! We'd love to have you! You can reach me at if you have any questions!
Hello -- My name is Robin F. Blackman. I am an Assistant Professor at Middle Tennessee State University on a dual service assignment with the Regents Online Campus Collaborative, Tennessee Board of Regents. ROCC is collaboration between technology centers, community colleges and universities in the state of Tennessee with a goal of meeting statewide education and workforce needs. Currently I coordinate the faculty training activities; e-Learning academies; and workshops, develop training agendas for technical and pedagogical training, support faculty in the development of online courses, and support faculty and students in the use of Desire2Learn. I’ve developed and currently teach a technology integration course for teachers and an advanced instructional design course, both are offered online.

I was recently asked to serve on the TBR Merlot Task Force and also asked to work with the Teacher Education Peer Review Board. One of the tasks of the TBR Merlot Task Force is to evaluate and develop apps for the iPad. I am thrilled to be a part of this experience and hope to share my findings with the Teacher Ed group. There are some awesome apps already out there just waiting to be reviewed.


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