Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

You can use this space to introduce yourself.  We have several people from other countries as well as some attending asynchronously.


Please introduce yourself and tell us something about you.


Also, if you have any questions, please ask.

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Hi, everyone. I'm Laurie Henderson and I work at INACAP in Santiago, Chile. I am British, born in Brazil, and originally trained as a Primary/Elementary teacher in Scotland. I have been involved in Higher Education since joining INACAP four years ago, previous to that I taught in and then led various Infant Departments and a Primary school. I am looking forward to learning and working with you at GRAPE Camp.
Hi, Laurie:
I'm glad to have you with us. You have an interesting background, and I'll probably be working with you in the future regarding getting people to do reviews in Spanish. That will be interesting! Welcome to GRAPE Camp.
I have joined the GRAPE Camp of developing peer reviewers this morning 7AM Brisbane, Australia time.
My website is found at which will tell you a bit more about me.
We're glad to have you participating from "Down Under," Gail. From your website, you seem to have a great deal of experience and I'm sure you will be appreciated by our Faculty Development Editorial Board.

my name is April Lindala. I am the Director of the Center for Native American Studies at Northern Michigan University in beautiful Marquette, Mich. We've been watching the rest of the U.S. get hit with snow and we're probably under our usual average (look up snow total averages - you'll be shocked). I have worked at NMU in a variety of offices, departments, centers on campus since 1993. However, my first full step into the academic side of the house as not until 2005 when I started this position. I currently teach Native American Experience (foundations type course), American Indians: Identity and Media Images, American Indian Education and Native American Inclusion in the Classroom. I look forward to being a part of this group.

miigwech/nia:wen/thank you - April

P.S. I'm using both Ojibwe and Mohawk language that order respectively followed by translation.
Welcome, April, to GRAPE Camp. We're happy to have you here. I'm hoping that both you and Ken can help us get started with a Native American Taskforce. Ken has a link for Native American Languages here:
Hi, Everyone: I received this as an email and will share it here: . If a person were to find stuff on the web that he or she didn’t create, can that person still submit it to MERLOT for consideration? I’m asking because I found a pretty darn good, free, online textbook yesterday. However, it doesn’t show up in the MERLOT site. It isn’t my textbook, but it is one I will probably send to my students.
Also, I have a truckload of links in my online course that help students with the materials that are covered. They are all web resources (readings or activities), but I didn’t create them. Do I submit them to MERLOT for consideration as becoming part of the MERLOT database? Should I submit them?
I ask because I probably surf the web in areas related to my discipline for 6-8 hours per day, every day.

The answer is Yes, Yes, Yes. In fact, I am attaching a document (very detailed) on how to Contribute materials to MERLOT. This document is sort of a Contributing for Dummies. Someone told me it was easier to just follow the questions in the widget for submitting, so I'll leave that up to you. The author is notified as soon as the material is submitted and the material is publicly available, so all you are really doing is "cataloging" it in MERLOT. We'll really welcome any of your new contributions. If they are in your discipline, you can certainly request to be assigned to review them later.
Hello everyone. I am a Registered Nurse and Nursing Faculty for Indiana University Northwest, USA. This is my second academic position, in addition I have had additional teaching roles in the private sector and the military. I am most interested in intergrated technology in my teaching. I am excited to work with Merlot and the Grape Camp to advance this idea in nursing academia.
Welcome, Evalyn. I know that Jeannie Sewell, our Editor of Health Sciences, will be happy to hear that you are going through GRAPE Camp. She does a great job with that Editorial Board (and is also a nurse).


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