Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

What's one way you've used a MERLOT learning object in your teaching that's been successful for you?

I've been using Noodle Tools for bibliographic work in my classes at both National-Louis and the University of Western Ontario. It's a free program that we reviewed in Teacher Education several years ago. It allows users to type in the information for an APA or MLA style citation and it will create a correct bibliographic entry. For only a few dollars (I can't remember if it's $8 or $12 for a year, you can upload and keep track of a whole bibliography. I include the link in all my syllabi.

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I have presented Inanimate Alice to a number of English classes as an alternative they can go to for their reading.As a teacher librarian I endeavour to expose and entice students to read a variety of fiction and genres and this form of digital fiction has been well received by both students and teachers. Students have received Inanimate Alice (IA) with much interest and enthusiasm. Many have chosen to watch/read/interact with all episodes once I have narrated the first to them. One class booked out a set of notebooks and the teacher brought back the students to the library to experience the second and third episodes with follow-up activites.
We hope to get enough interest amongest teachers that IA will be incorporated into the English course at year 8.

Angela, one of our editorial board members has been using Inanimate Alice with excellent results too!
Glad to hear it!
That sounds great. I've used the Baby Brain Map from for teaching infant and toddler development. I have also used The Brain from Top to Bottom for development courses. My students are really impressed with it.
Thanks for sharing Gail...we always like to know how people are using MERLOT tools.


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