Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

Before contributing to this discussion you must complete this field trip that will introduce you to the MERLOT Repository and its global community. Make sure you join MERLOT, it is free. In this field you are required:

  1. Discover the MERLOT web site and understand its organization. Communities in MERLOT are organized into 23 disciplines (what are they). Visit a discipline community, expertise and online curricular. Use the MERLOT Search or browse the MERLOT Resource Collection in your discipline to find material that you could adopt for learning in your discipline or teaching in your discipline. You can use an Advanced Search for Multimedia Resources.
  2. Discover MERLOTx, MERLOT's new student portal, created to help students easily find resources to support their learning goals.Here is a link to MERLOTx.
  3. Creating your MERLOT Collection of Resources is one of the ultimate goal of this field trip. You must be a member of MERLOT ( to be able to create a personal collection.  Personal Collections help personalize the MERLOT collection for members.  It is a compilation of MERLOT modules that MERLOT Members can access easily to use for specific purposes, classes or topics.  The owner of the Personal Collection can annotate each collection to more easily explain the purpose of it.
    Lear more about Personal collection 
    Watch this Webinar on How To Create your own collection.

Please go to MERLOT, join, and create a Personal Profile

Please share one or two new facts that you learned about MERLOT.

What did you find out about MERLOT that you were surprised to learn?

 you can even Browse members to find other people in your discipline.

After looking at other Member Profiles, what is missing from your profile?

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