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Loretta Anders
  • Fresno, CA
  • United States
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  • David Gettman
  • Brenda Royce
  • Jaime Arvizu

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Not yet but I plan to
Describe your role in education
I am a first year chemistry and physics teacher at Riverdale High School.

Comment Wall (5 comments)

At 12:21pm on August 4, 2009, Tina Lopes said…
Hi Loretta! Hope you had a nice summer. Best wishes for a great year at Riverdale High School!
At 4:00pm on August 4, 2009, Tina Lopes said…
Unfortunately, my lab equipment is pretty low tech. I acquired physics about 7 years ago from a math teacher who did not do labs. I made a commitment to do whatever it took to offer the lab experience for my students. I gathered/created whatever I could to make that possible. Each year I have been able to purchase a little something and now have a pretty good supply of "toys". Probably the most valuable equipment would be my collision carts, stop watches, and meter sticks. Steel balls and ramps as well as spring scales are a must. From there I have just filled in with whatever I can get my hands on. If you need lab ideas let me know. I have a few simple things that work. I have gathered them from conferences, the Internet, etc. I hope this helps.
At 8:46pm on August 4, 2009, Tina Lopes said…
If you ever need to borrow something, please do not hesitate to ask. My husband works in Fresno and would not mind transporting materials.
At 3:48pm on August 28, 2009, Brenda Royce said…
I have tried several times this week to stop and respond to your post - but... the week has been particularly full, even in the evenings. If you would like to chat this weekend about the concerns you raised, I would be glad to be a sounding board. I just realized I failed to capture your cell number when you called earier, or I'd take the initiative.
At 9:07pm on September 2, 2009, Tina Lopes said…
Absolutely! I only have one period of Honors Physics and it is first period. School starts at 7:45 every day except Wed. which begins at 8:55. I teach Chemistry the rest of the day. If you have a request as to what you would like to see let me know. I have really been experimenting with this class, trying to implement more modeling, whiteboarding, trying to do more inquiry, etc. plus I have a new textbook so I have to change the assignments, new labs, etc. A lot of work for 20 students, but they are definitely worth it and I love the challenge!

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