Hi, Everyone:
As discussed on today's call, we need to discuss what our typology will be for this Virtual Worlds community.
1. Do we want to start with the type of Virtual World, i.e. Second Life, Reaction Grid, etc?
2. Or, as suggested by Jonathon's email: "These nine (9) Learning Engagement Types might be a useful dimension of our community's taxonomy - though the precise language and terms for defining them is certainly in need of refinement. On the Salamander Wiki, linked above, we grabbed some of the links that the Second Life Education community indexxed with the HUD inworld and placed them in these categories - but these are woefully small in number and out-of-date. Perhaps this taskforce could fortify our collection of slurls to better articulate and demonstrate through examples the kinds of learning to be found in Second Life.
• Experiential..............learners are immersed in the recreation of an experience or phenomenon.
• Role play.................Second Life builds intended (or useful) for taking on a particular role for educational and/or entertainment purposes
• Diagnostic................builds that engage the learner by asking questions that ascertain their knowledge through quizzes, prompts, or other assessment methods
• Problem-solving...........Second Life builds with the intention that the learner solve a problem or some kind
• Demonstration.............Demonstrations and presentations of information - as in museums, galleries, presentations, etc.
• Collaborative.............Second Life locales and activities that demand and/or encourage a certain level of cooperation and collaboration
• Constructive..............Second Life learning locations and activities that engage the learner in creating objects and building things, themselves
• Skill Building............Second Life learning locations that focus on the development of skills (real world or Second Life)
• Gaming....................Second Life learning that engages the learner in a goal-oriented, structured task with defined rules, elements of "fun", and an uncertain outcome"
That should generate a lot of discussion, I hope.