Putting Educational Innovations into Practice.

We can use this discussion forum to ask and answer questions that can be shared with the group. We have two sessions going on, with more than 60 people involved. This is the largest GRAPE Camp ever! If you have a question, please ask away. I also encourage people who are already involved in MERLOT to answer your questions.

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Replies to This Discussion

I step forward into the mix and I do and must introduce myself. My name is Kenn Pitawanakwat, Anishinaabemowin Instructor for Northern Michigan University. I teach an endangered language-Ojibwe. I come from Wikwemikong Unceded Indian Reserve on Manitoulin Island Ontario, Canada. I am quite please to be here. And Aanii-hello in the language.

You can find us here at Northern as we have completed 5 days of excellent and quality Instructional Technology with our peers. Now; who of you have or work with language revitalization in the Native American realm? I would like to make your acquaintance.

You can contact me through here or at Skype. My stage name is niinnini57. Baamaa (Later), Kenn

PS...Looking forward to working with you Cathy. Peer review sounds fun.
Migwetch (Thank you), Kenn. We also have the South Dakota System, University of North Dakota, and Minnesota State Colleges and Universities as partners, so I'm sure you'll find some others within the MERLOT Community who share your interests. Baamaapii (Until later)
Boozhoo Cathy: I have been away with other shtuff...Miigwech for your response; would like to touch base with those groups mentioned. I will search for them in Merlot. Kenn
Hi Cathy. Thanks for a nicely done first session in GRAPE camp. I have used a number of MERLOT materials in my classes and they are awesome. The materials can really be used to supplement both online and classroom sessions. Thanks for the opportunity to become a peer reviewer. Phil b
Thank you, Phil. I hope that through GRAPE Camp you'll find even more resources and services that are provided by MERLOT. Talk to you soon.
Hi Cathy,
I am enjoying this camp and being part of Merlot. I have a lot to learn. Just started teaching as an online adjunct. Look forward to more participation. Thanks for being our coach.
I'm glad to hear that Prakash. You'll find a lot of good materials in MERLOT. You'll particularly benefit from the MERLOT Pedagogy Portal ( that has a lots of good ideas that will help improve anyone's teaching!
Hi Cathy and all,

I'm finding it interesting exploring the MERLOT site and our information together. I've been a member of MERLOT since 2004, but it's dramatically changed more recently and there are a lot of updates. The pedagogy portal is a nice addition. I'm also a JOLT reviewer.

"See" you all online on Friday...
I'm sure Michelle Pilati, the Editor of Psychology, will put you to work when you "graduate" from GRAPE Camp. You may know Michelle as she is also one of the Co-Editors of JOLT.
Oh, yes, Michelle, has already been putting me to work on JOLT and I'm sure she has psych peer reviewing work also. I noticed that she's involved with both...
Hello Cathy, I had to catch up with the Friday group via the recorded webcast and now working my way through the homework. I will be "there" on time this Friday though.
I also updated my Merlot profile a little bit and I had a question. Why isn't there any opportunity to list experiences such as volunteering as a peer reviewer? There is a defined structure to all the fields that doesn't really allow much modification. In addition to GRAPE camp, I was a peer reviewr for Blackboard Exemplary Courses and a grant reviewer for a federal agency. I can't figure out where I can list those type of experiences.
Hi, Diana: Those are good questions. To address the first, right now you are going through our Peer Reviewer training. Once you finish, you will be placed with an Editorial Board and that responsibility will show automatically on your profile. If you look at any of the Member Search pages, that is explained in the lower left with a check in a box that indicates you are a MERLOT Peer Reviewer. See the list beginning here: and note the box that says, "Role in MERLOT" on the left.

As far as the other experiences, I would suggest putting those in Skills and Interests, as you identify a field and then write a description of your responsibility. Any other ideas?


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